Latest News
- 29/03/21
Just another day on the farm!
Throughout this academic year, Aaron has worked extremely hard on the farm here at Trinity Solutions as part of his Land Based Studies qualification. He puts all of his energy into feeding the pigs, cleaning out the alpacas and goats, filling the water containers, harvesting crops, and much more. He...Read Full Story - 24/03/21
Natural Helpful Skills from Aiysha
If you recall back in our September newsletter we reported on the success of Trinity Post 16 learner Aiysha who had just started the next steps in her preparation for adulthood by securing a place on Project Choice’s supported internship programme.Read Full Story - 22/03/21
We All Bleed The Same
In preparation for adulthood, we have discussed equality and diversity. We linked this to our EHCP's and how equality and diversity affects the world of work and our communities. We considered what the world would be like without a difference and discussed famous quotesRead Full Story - 19/03/21
Cross That Bridge
In our recovery curriculum session, we were given minimal resources to solve a problem: build a bridge to hold an item. We showed how resourceful and creative we could be under pressure.Read Full Story - 15/03/21
No I in Team
Since returning we have been following a recovery curriculum. Today we focused on how being physical and working as a team can improve well-being by inventing games to play with beanbags. We also took time at the end of the day to meditate and reflect.Read Full Story - 10/03/21
LLDD Access Motor Vehicles
After a long break due to COVID 19, the LLDD group are able to access the Motor Vehicle area.Read Full Story - 05/03/21
‘Can Do’ - Will Do
Each year, learners on the bespoke programme have participated in a community project with Leonard Cheshire called 'Can Do'. As with most things in the current climate we have had to take a creative approach to how we all participate this year. Our friendly project coordinator Ann Henderson...Read Full Story - 01/03/21
IAG – Top Skills
Skills and qualities are vital in the world of work. This week we have looked at vocational skills and transferrable/soft skills. We discussed that now more than ever in the labour market we need to build resilience and adapt to new jobs that are becoming available.Read Full Story