Latest News
- 24/06/21
Natspec Games Challenge 3 – Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Today’s Natspec Games challenge was set by England Netball. Following on from their live session, learners had to count how many times they could throw and catch an object in 60 seconds. Our winner managed 55. To stretch learners further, there was a second and more difficult challenge to coun...Read Full Story - 23/06/21
Natspec Games Challenge 2 22/06/21
Ahead of England’s final European Championships group game, today’s challenge was set by the F.A. Students had to set up a square and see how many times they can control a ball around the area in 60 seconds. An impressive 5 times round was the winner.Read Full Story - 22/06/21
Natspec Games – Challenge 1 21/06/21
The first challenge of the Natspec games was Boccia. Skittles were set up in the style of 10 pin bowling with pin one 2m away(a distance we are all aware of thanks to Covid) from the throwing position.Read Full Story - 22/06/21
Natspec Games Launch 21/06/21
Monday 21st June was the launch of the Natspec Games. The ceremony prompted discussion as to sports students had previously participated in. We discussed the benefits of sport on health, unanimously, students said how they felt good when taking part in exercise and the positive effects it had on men...Read Full Story