Latest News
- 14/11/22
“Lest we forget”
For Remembrance Day 2022 our learners made a ‘Remembrance Box’, where learners and staff could post the name of a lost loved one inside.Read Full Story - 11/11/22
Employer talk - Geoff Scott: Keepmoat Homes
During enrichment, we had the pleasure of a visit from Geoff Scott, Social Value Manager at Keepmoat Homes. Geoff gave our learners helpful advice on how to approach a job interview, telling them to “walk through the door feeling positive”.Read Full Story - 10/11/22
Learning about the Labour Market
The learners enjoyed a meeting with Elaine from the Job Centre, where they gained insight on Labour Market Information. The group learned how to look for jobs and how to apply, as well as how many job roles are available to them.Read Full Story