Latest News
- 19/03/24
- 14/03/24
LLDD Employer Fair Projects
LLDD learners have been working hard to produce items to sell at this year’s employer fair. They used Wednesday lessons to design and make the items to sell, the most enjoyable part was seeing them produce something from scrap wood to an item someone would like to buy.Read Full Story - 13/03/24
World Book Day 2024
Farm to Table Entry Level English learners enjoyed bringing the Trinity Academy Newcastle Farm into the classroom for World Book Day this year. Blueberry, the rabbit, was an eager listener as each learner read their chosen text aloud for ten minutes. Evidence suggests that reading to a...Read Full Story - 13/03/24
Maths: Exam Anxiety
This week has revolved around evaluations and showcasing the skills developed during lessons to achieve our qualifications. The assessments challenge us with practical applications of mathematical procedures in daily life, covering subjects like ratio, finances, and time management.Read Full Story