Latest News
- 10/12/21
R.A.F. Team Building
Preparing for Adulthood learners enjoyed being involved with the activities in the Teamwork session delivered by our R.A.F. guests Vicky and Gemma.Read Full Story - 09/12/21
Opening of Trinity Snack Bar
This term we opened the Trinity Snack Bar, an enterprise project run by our learners, they will experience all knowledge and skills needed to run a successful small business.Read Full Story - 02/12/21
Caring is learning!
Preparing for adulthood bespoke learners who have core aims of ‘Health and social care’ and ‘landbased’ studies have worked hard over this first term to achieve level 1 awards. Their first three units of each BTEC qualification were the same. Learners learned and demonstrated...Read Full Story - 02/12/21
- 02/12/21
You can never have enough qualifications
Out students are proving that you can never have too many qualifications!!! Each Friday following enrichment, learners are given the opportunity to opt into participating in and achieving short industry-specific qualifications. These qualifications are added extras to the main course of maths, Engli...Read Full Story - 01/12/21
LLDD Labour Market
Learners made great effort focusing on the information, Elaine Bell from the Job Centre gave, regarding the labour market and how things change within job roles.Read Full Story