Latest News
- 31/03/22
Project Choice Supported Internships
The next step in your progression can seem a long time away, however, it is never too early to start thinking “where do I go from here?”Read Full Story - 30/03/22
Cleaning is not just for Spring
It’s that time of year when the clocks spring forward and the nights get lighter that we like to dust away the grey winter cobwebs and freshen our houses with a good clean.Read Full Story - 29/03/22
Project Based Learning Day : Easter Celebration
Using their combined English, Mathematics and Digital Studies skills, learners collaborated on an Easter Themed Project Based Learning day. The purpose of the day was to use their enhanced skills of problem-solving, critical thinking and creativity to budget and organise an Easter Learner Celeb...Read Full Story - 29/03/22
For the love of reading
World Book Day took place on 3rd March 2022. The aim of the day is to promote reading for pleasure and allow learners the opportunity to have a book of their own.Read Full Story - 29/03/22
A very welcome host!
This week our learners had the pleasure of attending a careers fair hosted by Employment Engagement officer Sarah Butler.Read Full Story - 28/03/22
Project Based Learning
Project based learning is a dynamic classroom approach. It intends to actively engage learners with relevant and real-world challenges with personally meaningful projects. Learners work on a project over an extended period of time where they creatively engage in solving a real-world problem. Once a...Read Full Story