Latest News
- 28/03/23
National Pi Day
In the maths department, we have recently celebrated National Pi Day. Learners were invited to take part in some of the activities to help celebrate this event. Some of the activities included a Pi Day Hunt, Pi Day Problems (question and answer sheet), a memory test to see how many numbers...Read Full Story - 24/03/23
Projects on the farm
This week our learners have continued their hard work on the farm and are now moving onto weeding. Everyone has been working hard to try and make the farm more accessible and a nice environment for us to visit.Read Full Story - 23/03/23
EHCP Reviews
All of our Trinity Post 16 Solutions Ltd learners have had their annual EHCP reviews this half term and what a half term it has been! All learners attended their reviews and spoke confidently, asked questions and made comments regarding their progress. Parents/carers were able to talk about the...Read Full Story - 10/03/23
International Womans Day
On Wednesday the 8th of March, Trinity Solutions Academy joined the global community in commemorating International Women's Day. Staff and learners alike donned items of purple clothing to show support for women, a colour used to represent the occasion since the early 1900's.Read Full Story - 09/03/23
Trinity Café gets an upgrade
The Trinity Snack Bar has set up shop in the communal hallway, and now it’s bigger and better than ever! Fulfil your snacking needs with our wide range of crisps, chocolate and drinks, both hot and cold.Read Full Story - 08/03/23
End of Term Assessments | Maths
In the maths department, this term, we have been preparing for the end of term assessments and revisited topics where learners felt more help was needed. This included a return to ratio and proportion and percentages of amounts.Read Full Story