Maths in the Real World: A Week of Problem-Solving, Puzzles, and Practical Skills!

The month of November saw learners participate in Maths Week - an initiative designed to encourage and promote a more positive and inclusive approach to maths. There is often a misconception that maths is only for the extremely clever or that it has no relevance in the real world—but nothing could be further from the truth!
Throughout the week, we explored how maths is applied in various vocational contexts. In Animal Care, learners weighed out food for the animals on our farm. In Health and Social Care, they calculated the cost of a healthy food shop. Motor Vehicle learners worked on calculating tyre pressures and ratios, while those in Construction used the 3, 4, 5 method to find right angles. Our Trinity Post 16 Solutions Ltd learners followed measurements in recipes to make a delicious pasta bake. Even in English, learners applied their speaking and listening skills to collaborate on solving a Sudoku puzzle.
We also had fun with maths puzzles and conundrums in the hub. Could you solve the following?
One shepherd said to the other “Give me eight of your sheep and we’ll have an equal number”
The other responded, “If you give me eight of your sheep I will have twice as many as you.”
How many sheep does each shepherd have?