The FE MEI Maths Challenge

This year our Maths cohort have been entered into the FE MEI National Maths challenge. The challenge aims to boost engagement and confidence in Maths for learners working towards GCSE/ functional skills qualifications and is differentiated into three levels. “The Funkies” designed to accommodate learners working towards entry/level 1, “the Go Forths” designed to accommodate learners working towards level1/level 2 and “Ein2steins”, level2/GCSE.
So far, the learners have paired up for the first round training, trying out the different levels on the mixed questions Kahoot quizzes. Once the correct difficulty for the groups was established learners completed the first round, where winning pairs from each group were crowned. This month training for the College final has begun and all learners have been able to get involved with the training creating a lot of friendly competitiveness between the learners. Once all the groups have completed the training, the winning teams from the previous round will be going head to head to compete for a place in the regional final, which will be held in a venue in Gateshead, yet to be disclosed.
The FE MEI Maths challenge is a great opportunity for learners to not only get competitive and engaged in their Maths curriculum, but also allows them to interact with different learners across the College and, for the winning pair, to be involved in a national competition and to meet learners from across the North-East. The response from the learners has been positive and they have especially enjoyed the competitive nature of the challenges and receiving their certificates for participation, third, second and first place. I wish all the learners a big well done for getting involved and showing enthusiasm and to all the learners competing in the College final next week good luck!