World Book Day 2024

Farm to Table
Entry Level English learners enjoyed bringing the Trinity Academy Newcastle Farm into the classroom for World Book Day this year. Blueberry, the rabbit, was an eager listener as each learner read their chosen text aloud for ten minutes. Evidence suggests that reading to animals can help young people to be open to learning experiences and overcome negative associations with an activity. Learners were visibly relaxed during their sessions and enjoyed pausing to check on Blueberry’s reaction or stroke her fur. One of our learners from the Land-Based Studies programme commented that Blueberry had clearly enjoyed the companionship and interaction as her body language showed she felt safe and relaxed. A WBD win-win!
Sip & Flip Café
Level 1 and 2 English learners were invited to Jessica’s Sip & Flip Café to sample the first chapter from one of the 30 most-loved Young Adult novels. Learners selected their book based on the novel’s themes (e.g. Sci-Fi, Fairy-Tales, Rebellion, or Identity, Acceptance, Romance) and read for 15 minutes. Learners then voted which books they wanted to be stocked in the TSA Library and wrote mini reviews to support their peers in future selections. Jessica’s favourite review simply said, “I can’t read a book that calls aliens stupid. It’s dangerous.” We are excited for some additions to the library next year!
Six Word Superstar!
Following the infamous example, “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn,” learners were challenged to construct their own stories using only SIX WORDS. Congratulations to Shauna, the unanimous winner!
Definitely Not Tokenistic!
This year, Trinity Solutions Academy had a surplus of World Book Day tokens. Max, a Level 2 Motor Vehicle learner, requested that we donate the tokens to those in need to ensure that children were able to access free books even if they did not attend school regularly. We chose:
FareShare, a charity that distributes surplus food to charities supporting local communities, and
Newcastle Foodbank, who provide food parcels to families in need
It is our hope that families can use the tokens to access a free book and spend quality time together. Great idea, Max!
Copy Cats
Post 16 learners delved into the world of book illustrators for an afternoon to mark World Book Day. Following videos from Rob Biddulph, author and illustrator of ‘Blown Away’, ‘GRRRRR!’, ‘Odd Dog Out’, and other children’s books, learners discussed this career pathway whilst drawing their version of a cat. See their creations below!
Sirius-ly Good Cupcakes
Post 16 learners sprinkled a little magic into their baking for World Book Day. Learners on the Bespoke Programme participate in weekly cooking classes as part of their enrichment. This week, learners decorated vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting for the four Hogwarts houses, using Harry Potter toppers and cases. They practiced measuring ingredients, reading recipes, communication and teamwork, and using a variety of baking utensils. The staff dumble-adored them!