Latest News
- 25/06/21
Maths and English Qualification
English and maths skills are essential to everyday life and gaining an accredited qualification in these subjects is vital to future success.30% of people leave school without a recognised English or maths qualification. Research shows achieving 5 GCSE grades, including maths and English, adds appro...Read Full Story - 23/06/21
Motorbike | Motor Vehicle
Phase 1 We had a Daelim Daystar 125cc motorcycle donated for the students to work with. The students put the bike on the ramp and made a list of the work that required done to the bike we found that it required a new front brake, chain and had lots of rust on the rear swingarm.Read Full Story - 21/06/21
Construction learners branching out
Trinity Solutions Construction learners have had a busy time completing their Diploma qualifications but still had time to build a living wall for the paving area in construction. This is an additional task on top of the practical and theory work required for their qualification. It enabled them to...Read Full Story - 18/06/21
Industry experience gained by learners
Two of Trinity Solutions’ Motor Vehicle students have been lucky enough to secure high-quality work experience placements at MAN Truck and Bus’s new £5million dealership in Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead.Read Full Story - 16/06/21
GCSE grades Summer 21
GCSE learners have been working very hard to produce as much evidence as possible for their grades to be assessed. They all have worked tirelessly and deserve a really big well done! Vicky, Jess and Lara are now working hard to mark all of their work and quality assure it.Read Full Story - 14/06/21
Learn, Remember, Achieve!
The past year has been particularly challenging and staff and learners have had to overcome many hurdles along the way. This has not stopped the determination and resilience of the Vocational staff to support our learners in achieving their qualifications. We have seen a great level of enthusiasm si...Read Full Story - 11/06/21
Learners have been learning about the importance of celebrating their individual uniqueness. We looked at policy, law and reasonable adjustments. There were open, honest and respectful discussions about prejudice and what the world would be like if we were all the same. Learners were then tasked wit...Read Full Story - 07/06/21
Vocabulary in Construction
The Construction learners have recently taken part in an online work placement courtesy of Robinsons Construction, after an introduction of what and where Robinsons operate, the students were all asked to complete various tasks culminating in the building of brick and block walls.Read Full Story - 04/06/21
Mental Health Week and Nature: Take a leaf out of our book…
This week at Trinity Solutions, we have been celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week, as promoted by the Mental Health Foundation. Every year this week encourages people to focus on their Mental Health and this year the theme has been NATURE.Read Full Story